Not even Air is Free anymore


The one thing we all thought was free...was air…

Now, the only way to breathe safely is through a mask…

Ironic, no?

So many ironies & realizations in the past months. So many lessons for us.

Not only has my freedom been challenged in my line of work, to be safely protected.

but for ALL of us:

Now patients fight for air while the lungs drown.

Now nurses & doctors fight for it behind suffocating layers of PPE - if we have enough.

Now we all are deprived of it in social isolation.

Never again must we take for granted our freedom to breathe clean, healthy, air.

Never again must we forget to take care of ourselves and each other.

I’ve started a GoFundMe for PPE. Please consider donating or resharing.

Painting by Julia Maddalina #PortraitsoftheFrontline